John Tron 72 : What you said in your latest post might makes sense if you only read JW publications and don't look beyond the JW world. You are seeing things in a very one dimensional way. If you believe all of what you've said, I'm not sure why you even made your original post.
If you were God and gave man and woman everything to the eye on Earth freely, how would you know they truly were appricitive of the gift?
What would you think if a father built his children a play house and put a pile of broken glass over in one corner just to see if they'd show their appreciation for him by not playing in that corner? I'm guessing you'd think he was a pretty sick man and you'd wonder why he needed so badly to be appreciated.
If he hadn't placed the tree there for them and later thier kids to substain from they might have ended up like the people on The Time Machine who had become lazy and unconcerned like when Weena fell in the stream....
He could have created us any way he wanted...he could have made us so that we didn't even need oxygen if he chose to. Perhaps he should have created people that could live forever without this problem as well.
Man through the centuries proven they can't get along without God.
How would we know? God supposedly cursed mankind and made everything difficult for him. If a human father hobbled his children and inflicted sickness and disease on them just to prove how needy they are, he'd be considered a monster.
There has to be respect for God and others even with free will.
I want my children to respect me because of the admirable things I do. It's would be meaningless if I had to threaten to punish them if they didn't.
At some point the badness of this world teaches the children to become self absorbed and hate and lose that innocent quality. You cannot deny this fact is true.
Children are born self absorbed....they are wired that way, thats how they survive. They make sure that above all else, that their own needs are met. Have you heard how loudly a newborn baby can cry when it's hungry or wet? It's only as we grow older that we learn to have empathy for others.
God is the one who intentionally brought sickness and death upon humankind and made our lives difficult instead of punishing Satan, the one who deceived his "innocent child like "creation. If humans are self absorbed and hateful and if the story of Adam and Eve is true, then God is the one who made it so by choosing not to follow his own rules about forgiveness and returning evil for evil.
It would be unjust of a father to punish his small children after they had been deceived by a much older sibling punish them in an equally harsh manner. If the story of the Bible is true, Satan has been alive since before Adam and Eve were created and is still living yet billions of humans have suffered, grown old and died. How is this the act of a loving father?